The Challenge

In a fast-paced world, people sometimes seem to develop a tunnel vision that prevents them from paying attention to other people’s needs. But the truth is, we all need other people to make it in this world. We need togetherness to succeed as a society.

The Idea

When McDonald’s wanted to find new ways of embracing inclusivity among its customers, we identified a group that is often forgotten: the deaf community. Deaf people are a minority that isn’t recognized enough in a societal level, and they keep facing prejudice in many facets of life.

McDonald’s is well equipped to serve deaf people, as they offer self-order kiosks and mobile order for contactless purchase. This has made it easier for people with disabilities to enjoy McDonald’s as much as anyone. But for many other brands it’s not as common.

The Results

The campaign was recognized by the deaf community all around the world and featured in both domestic and international media channels, such as Adweek, Ad age and Finnish financial newspaper Kauppalehti.

“McDonald’s has proven innovation is still possible in the fast food space with the release of a music video sung in sign language.”

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