The Challenge: More Gen Z workforce for McD

To get Gen Z to apply for a job, the company has to represent and do something desirable and meaningful for them. You have to make them want to be a part of the company. To make them proud to sport – in this case – the McDonald’s uniform.

Cue a new type of employer branding campaign for McDonald’s where the brand entered the culture in a way that was aligned with Gen Z’s interests and values.

First off, we set out to redefine workwear for the next generation. We did it with an upcoming local designer, who happens to dig the McDonald's brand. The new line of never-before-seen fashion was made from upcycled old McDonald’s work uniforms. Then the street fashion collection was made available only to employees.

And then it was time to tell the whole world about it.

McDonald's McDrip

Making the idea work and make an impact

For this brand collabo we went against the stream: instead of riding on the wave of someone who's already big, the McDonald's brand was used to give a rising talent a boost. The McDrip collection was created together with Jimi VAIN, a self-taught fashion designer making waves at the grassroots level of fashion (following the collaboration his playground has expanded, fast). 

McDrip is an upcycled street fashion collection made almost entirely out of worn-out McDonald's work uniforms. The collection consists of 13 outfits that use 100% recycled materials. 

It's designed exclusively for McDonald's employees, so to be a part of this fashion phenomenon, you had to work at McDonald's or put in an application and hope you got the job. "Want the drop? Get the job!", as the connected recruitment campaign stated. 

McDonald's McDrip drafts

And people really wanted the job – and the drip

The campaign was built around the McDrip collection and launched with a fashion show in McDonald’s Kamppi. We invited Finland’s hottest fashion and lifestyle influencers to the event, and they showed up in huge numbers.

The show was streamed on TikTok and hype was built online, using the social media channels of McDonald’s and the VAIN fashion label.

McDrip was also advertised guerilla style with posters distributed around Helsinki streets.

And then McDonald’s Finland started dealing with the influx of job applications – from around the world. McDrip really hit home with the Gen Z crowd. One sure sign it was a hit: bootleg versions of the VAIN creations started appearing for sale online practically overnight.

The Results

6 400 0000
Potential reach

9 000 0000 €
Worth of earned media

Earned media mentions

Job applications

Employer image

Brand responsibility image

Is a brand I trust

Is a brand for someone like me